
VFR ICAO chart for Czesch Republic 2024

(Code: DFS-LK)
Réf. constructeur : 
The aeronautical chart VFR Visual 500 for Czech Republic corresponds to ICAO charts quality and design with scale 1:500,000. This chart is your best tool for VFR navigation flights in European countries.
24.00 €
The VFR chart contains the latest valid topography and air traffic information useful for VFR pilots flights. The VFR VISUAL 500 charts are published by DFS.


Features :


* VFR reporting points
* Aerodromes with name, location indicator and frequency, length and direction of the runway...
* FIS with frequencies
* gliders, ultralights, hang gliders, parachutes descent, balloon launch sites...
* radio navigation aids (NBD, VOR, VOR/DME, VORTAC) with name, frequency and morse code id.
* obstacles and  maximum elevation figures
* motorways name
* back of the chart : ATIS and VOLMET frequencies - VFR/IFR transponder circuit...
* paper chart folded - dimensions : 14.5 x 25cm